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Tombs 87 Honda Super Magna

Started by Tombstones81, August 07, 2012, 07:15:28 PM

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Well, since everyone enjoyed my GS500 build, I was asked to make another for this bike. (hope yall dont mind since its not a GS)

1987 Honda VF700C Magna (Super Magna)
20K miles

Even trade for my GS and extra motor.

Just acquired it last night.

Basic maintenance was a MESS!!!!!!

Oil was WAYYYYYY overfilled.
Everything visually is/was either sun faded and/or Filthy!
As well as ALOT of metal cleaning to do as there is alot of rust spots, dullness, etc etc (nothing that elbow grease cant fix)
Brake and cable fluid was HORRIBLEEEEEEE! (coffee color and just NASTY goop all in the bottom of the resi)

But mechanically its Great, I can, will, and have already started taking care of the minor details.

What am I going to add or change to it tho?
At the moment, not much to start with as I want the metal to be shiny as hell and Spotless first!
First few tho, Progressive fork springs, Updated better headlight, and LED strips.
After that, who knows.
I WAS going to get forward controls ($300!!) but im comfortable with the mid controls and the front highway pegs atm.

Handlebars..... going to give it more time and see if I like these, or else go with drag style bars.

After I got back from running to the store and getting insurance.
Changed the oil to my old trusty Castrol 10W40 Synthetic racing oil.
Accidentally dripped lubricant spray on the controls that were almost White with sun fading and dirt.
Wiped it off and the spot went back to black!
So the controls and anything else plastic and black I just sprayed to hell with it and cleaned it off.
Came out VERY nice and its all back to black now.
Flushed out the brake and clutch fluid. (NASTY!!!!!) and MUCHHHHH smoother now!!!
Then I wanted to see how well the paint looked after 2 coats of wax.
Came out looking GREAT!!!!!
No need to repaint it At All! (friend has a compressor and I was planning on doing it properly but no point now)

Now the pics!

The side black box cover was more of a Grey then black.
After cleaning, now it looks Brand New!

Look at how Nasty the controls look and the handlebar mount as well as around the gauges.
After the clean up, looks Almost brand new!!

How faded the paint looks in the next 2 pics.

and here are the minor 3 pics I took after the non metal clean up and 2 coats of wax on the red.
I'll get more detailed pics tomorrow as im in for the night.

HUGEEEE difference!!


Thats it for today.
I'll take more detailed pics tomorrow and then pics of how far I get with scrubbing and polishing the metal.
94 GS500
01 Engine
Personally repainted!  (Traded)

87 Honda VF700C Magna
(Super Magna)


Quote from: Tombstones81 on August 07, 2012, 07:15:28 PM

I AM DROOLING ON THE FLOOR AS I TYPE. :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:
I am not interested in anything you have to say
Don't bother talking to me, I will not answer you


I'm not big on cruisers but looks pretty good.
1989 GS 500EK


Thanks guys!

and just wait until the metal is all shined up Coda! hahahaha

Yeah I am actually half and half on sport bikes and cruisers.

I need both.

The GS tho, love the hell out of it but I simply outgrew it.
Not to mention I looked WAY too big for it anyways, well and I was too big as well because it wasnt always a very comfy ride.
94 GS500
01 Engine
Personally repainted!  (Traded)

87 Honda VF700C Magna
(Super Magna)


niiiiiice..  :bstar:

i didnt read the title properly though .. and was just taking a deep breath to rant about how the hell would anyone want to restore a Magna (mitsubishi car) !!!! .... which i seem to have developed a pathological hatred of ... I've owned 2 .... 'fool me twice shame on me!'

i would happily ride along with .. and should the opportunity ever arise $ wise , own this kinda bike as an addition to the 'stable'... a lot of cruisers even though they are marketed as 'individual styling' .. are just too .... bland....

its like harleys ... most of them i dont mind and would test ride but not own... but the new '48' i'm quite taken with ..

i reckon you gonna need a colour matched helmet (if subscribe to helmets anyway) though.  O0


ahh, what, did you think it was a regular Magna? noooo ty!

eh as I said, im half and half between sport bikes and cruisers.

All depends how I feel like riding.

I honestly need both types of bikes, but not enough $$ for both yet.

and my helmet already matches it enough :)  (yes I wear one as I Like me brains! hahaha)

94 GS500
01 Engine
Personally repainted!  (Traded)

87 Honda VF700C Magna
(Super Magna)


sorry, forgot as I just posted a reply ><

started cleaning up the metal.

Right side cover.
Only did the top half with 320 grit wet sanding when I took the pic.

and heres after I hit it with 600 after and then 1500 (only size paper I have left)
and a lil polishing.
still doesnt look as good as it can tho. (was only a test portion)

heres how good the controls came out vs the previous pic above at how dirty and white they were.

right side of rear rim after minor scrubbing with Brillo and polishing

left side rear before


Left fork minor scrub job and polish.
Right fork untouched.
BIGGGG difference in person, cant tell As much in the photo.

kk break times over!!!

and I think im only going to do Minor cleanup and polish on the metal for now.
as doing it by hand with sandpaper (too much to use steel wool) would just take WAYYY too long and use up WAYYY too much paper!
So I am going to wait until I buy some sanding Power tools and get it done Right and Quicker.
94 GS500
01 Engine
Personally repainted!  (Traded)

87 Honda VF700C Magna
(Super Magna)


Too bad this post can't play theme music,....just a back in black instrumental would be perfect

need ride review compared to gs!  :whisper:
"Its something you take apart in 2-3 days and takes 10 years to go back together."


more after photos.

Finished cleaning and polishing up, then I did another coat of wax for good measure.

rim cleaned up

love those brake lights!

94 GS500
01 Engine
Personally repainted!  (Traded)

87 Honda VF700C Magna
(Super Magna)


Tomb! glad you finished cleaning up my bike for me! Go on ahead and drive it down here, would ya? thanks.


1. that looks awesome
2. it looks like a pretty small bike, what's the seat height? 26-27"?

it really looks like its got a comfy riding position, drag bars may stretch you out way more than you'd like. just a thought!
Black '98 gs500 k&n Lbox, akrapovic slip-on, kat600 shock, progressive sproings, superbike handlebars, 40/147.5/3.5washers

"I'd rather ride then spend all my time fiddling trying to make it run perfectly." -Bombsquad

"Never let the destination cast a shadow over your journey towards it- live life"


Quote from: Tombstones81 on August 08, 2012, 01:53:24 PM

Apart from the ugly fella sitting on it I am sooooo jealous you have such a sweeeeet bike.
Drool drool drool drool drool :bowdown:
I am not interested in anything you have to say
Don't bother talking to me, I will not answer you


Very nice!! i like yer liscense plate!


Quote from: Funderb on August 08, 2012, 03:25:22 PM
Tomb! glad you finished cleaning up my bike for me! Go on ahead and drive it down here, would ya? thanks.


1. that looks awesome
2. it looks like a pretty small bike, what's the seat height? 26-27"?

it really looks like its got a comfy riding position, drag bars may stretch you out way more than you'd like. just a thought!

hahahaha sure thing!


its actually in No way small!
I forget the length of the trailer we used, but for my GS, the holder for the front tire was quite a ways back and still had alot of room when the back was up.

This sucker!
Had to move the front tire holder (whatever its called) All the way to the front and just Barely cleared the gate.

It looks small because im 6ft2 and 240 pnds.

and yes it does sit quite low, not sure Exactly how low tho.

Longggg ride today.
Absolutely Love it!!!
and yes VERY comfy!!!
94 GS500
01 Engine
Personally repainted!  (Traded)

87 Honda VF700C Magna
(Super Magna)


"need ride review compared to gs"

Did I miss this somewhere?  Where's the comparison review good sir???
"Its something you take apart in 2-3 days and takes 10 years to go back together."


Quote from: cbrfxr67 on August 09, 2012, 06:41:22 AM
"need ride review compared to gs"

Did I miss this somewhere?  Where's the comparison review good sir???

Dunno yet.

Yeah there is the obvious tho...
More power, more comfort etc etc
Its heavier, but this bikes only 500 pounds, so I can still toss it around it seems.

But as far as handling and turning goes... dunno yet.

The only twisties after bike night last night we went through, I was stuck behind someone with a passenger >< (HATE that!!)
So they were slowing down quite a bit on the turns and I couldnt really push the bike to see how she handles.

94 GS500
01 Engine
Personally repainted!  (Traded)

87 Honda VF700C Magna
(Super Magna)


These are pretty agile cruisers if i'm not mistaken, looks great!
It's got quite the oil cooler on it compared to the GS



Isn't oil considered liquid cooled? or am i mistaken


Liquid cooled means it's cooled by coolant (antifreeze) and a radiator.  Oil cooled is the same as air cooled.  Whether or not there is an oil cooler mounted outside the engine, there is nothing but oil and the outside air (no coolant) cooling the engine.


Yes it is Liquid Cooled.

Radiator out front and a reservoir behind the side right panel.

and thats quite the engine (4cyl) to be air cooled, Too much engine. haha

update tho.
found some sanding adapters at Ace Hardware for my Oscillating tool!

So next pay I will be grabbing it and getting the major surfaces shined up.

Harder to reach spots, I'll wait until I have a dremel tool with little sanding adapters for tight areas.
94 GS500
01 Engine
Personally repainted!  (Traded)

87 Honda VF700C Magna
(Super Magna)

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