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'89 GS500E First Bike Project (The Spartan)

Started by IAmSpartacus, January 17, 2013, 01:19:22 PM

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Pressurize the tank then pull on the dent with strong suction cups?


Thanks for the input guys. I'll keep trying.

Right now in the middle of sanding the Airtech fender, the belly pan and the plastics. I almost forgot how much I hate sanding. I'm guessing it's going to take a minimum of 8-12 hours of hand sanding before I get to lay the first coat of primer on her. Ugh, I hate my life right now...


Quote from: IAmSpartacus on February 04, 2013, 11:03:42 PMI almost forgot how much I hate sanding. I'm guessing it's going to take a minimum of 8-12 hours of hand sanding before I get to lay the first coat of primer on her. Ugh, I hate my life right now...

Preparation is 90% of the finish. Just keep thinking about how awesome it's going to look when your done!  :thumb:
2005 GS500F
Thread located Here.


Keep in mind spraying anything with a rattle can isn't going to look nearly as nice as something with an automotive paint gun like a Sata Jet

There is enough air pressure in rattle cans to atomizer the paint like a gun. The nozzle tips on most guns suck too
K&N Lunchbox
chromed pegs
R6 shock
89 aluminum knuckle
Lowering links
Bar mirrors w/LEDs
rear LED turns
89 clip ons
Dual Yoshi TRS
Gauge/Indicator LEDs
T- Rex sliders
HID retrofit
GSXR rear sets
Zero Gravity screen
Chrome Katana rims
Bandit hugger
Custom paint
Sonic springs


Quote from: weedahoe on February 05, 2013, 06:16:15 AM
Keep in mind spraying anything with a rattle can isn't going to look nearly as nice as something with an automotive paint gun like a Sata Jet

There isn't enough air pressure in rattle cans to atomizer the paint like a gun. The nozzle tips on most guns suck too

I realize spray paint isn't the best option, but it's the logical option on a bike that is only worth around $1,200. This is my first bike and while I do not intend on abusing her or laying her down, I recognize that what I intend and what actually happens can be very different. So I don't want to put thousands of dollars into a project that will not recoup any of that cost in resale and may not even survive my noob riding skills.  :embarassed:

But while spray cans are inferior to spray guns, you can achieve good results with them with a little skill and patience. Warming the can in a bucket of hot water or hitting it with a blow dryer before you spray increases pressure and atomization and a lot of newer cans come with fan pattern spray nozzles. Several very light coats with sanding, rubbing compound and polishing before finshing with a 2KMax clear coat can turn out looking almost as good as some professional paint jobs.

Certainly my rattle can job can't look any worse than the paint that was on the bike when I got it- they just sprayed right over factory decals, didn't mask anything off and let drips run all over the place, lol. Only the gas tank had factory paint still on it. Even so, at 5 feet away, the bike was passable.  :o


^^^ If youre going to go through all of that, then why not just cough up $40 for a cheap HVLP gun and maybe $50 in paint and clear coat

My local paint ship sells paint as small as 4 oz
K&N Lunchbox
chromed pegs
R6 shock
89 aluminum knuckle
Lowering links
Bar mirrors w/LEDs
rear LED turns
89 clip ons
Dual Yoshi TRS
Gauge/Indicator LEDs
T- Rex sliders
HID retrofit
GSXR rear sets
Zero Gravity screen
Chrome Katana rims
Bandit hugger
Custom paint
Sonic springs


Well, I don't have a compressor, nor do I have any experience with spray guns, so I just figured the start up cost would be a couple hundred bucks, plus learning how to use the equipment may take some time.

Spray cans I have experience with and the cost of supplies is around 50-60 bucks... And a lot of free manual labor.


Quote from: IAmSpartacus on February 05, 2013, 10:38:25 AM
Well, I don't have a compressor, nor do I have any experience with spray guns, so I just figured the start up cost would be a couple hundred bucks, plus learning how to use the equipment may take some time.

Spray cans I have experience with and the cost of supplies is around 50-60 bucks... And a lot of free manual labor.

Craigslist is your friend, you can find compressors and guns on the cheap pretty easily. At least here in West MI. Which is making me reconsider how I was going to paint my bike...
If god intended us to drink beer, he would have given us stomachs.


Spartacus, I think its alright if you want to just to rattle can jobs. Napa will mix any paint code for you in a rattle can minus the rattle, so you can go and get an original Suzuki color to paint your bike for cheap. The only thing bad about them is they don't last long and you will have to use it quick. I'm not saying that rattle can is the best, but with your situation, I think that it is probably the most logical. I have definitely done some good rattle can jobs, and they do turn out good if you sand properly and apply a good clear coat. These paint jobs just wont last as long, seeing as its your first bike, who cares?
I am into buying bikes that people have given up on and fixing them up!

RIP Patrick Lajko, I miss you man.


Quote from: jacob92icu on February 05, 2013, 06:37:01 PM
Spartacus, I think its alright if you want to just to rattle can jobs. Napa will mix any paint code for you in a rattle can minus the rattle, so you can go and get an original Suzuki color to paint your bike for cheap. The only thing bad about them is they don't last long and you will have to use it quick. I'm not saying that rattle can is the best, but with your situation, I think that it is probably the most logical. I have definitely done some good rattle can jobs, and they do turn out good if you sand properly and apply a good clear coat. These paint jobs just wont last as long, seeing as its your first bike, who cares?

Exactly how I planned to paint my bike when I suggested Napa to you. Then looking a couple hours ago I found a compressor, regulators and 2 hvlp guns on CL for $50. Needs a little cleaning but for that cheap its worth it. If you want the longer lasting paint job and can find such a deal, why not?  :thumb:

Plus, practice up a bit, get good, charge your friends, afford more parts/mods.
If god intended us to drink beer, he would have given us stomachs.


Well, if I could find a deal like that, I might go that route, but craigslist in the Las Vegas area is not coming up with much. Most compressors are over $100 and guns are at least another $100.

The NAPA idea is worth looking into, though I have no plans to go with an OEM color. At the moment I was planning on using good 'ole Rustoleum as it is cheap and readily available. Body color I want to be a dark gray (graphite/gunmetal) with red wheels. It's definitely Ducati inspired... Or should I say DUCAT-E?  :icon_lol:


Haha nice. I used rustoleum to paint one of my bikes, turned out good. I've only had it for about a year so I dont know exactly how much the paint has been affected from aging. And holy crap puma, that definitely is deals on wheels. So I'm guessing you bought it or your going too?
I am into buying bikes that people have given up on and fixing them up!

RIP Patrick Lajko, I miss you man.


Quote from: IAmSpartacus on February 05, 2013, 07:07:57 PM
Well, if I could find a deal like that, I might go that route, but craigslist in the Las Vegas area is not coming up with much. Most compressors are over $100 and guns are at least another $100.

The NAPA idea is worth looking into, though I have no plans to go with an OEM color. At the moment I was planning on using good 'ole Rustoleum as it is cheap and readily available. Body color I want to be a dark gray (graphite/gunmetal) with red wheels. It's definitely Ducati inspired... Or should I say DUCAT-E?  :icon_lol:

Some Sherwin-Williams will mix it up as well. It's not much more cost wise. If you hop on google and search automotive paint near you, and do a little shopping. The key is do ALL the prep work and priming ahead of time. Have your pieces hung and ready to go. The cans are good for painting approximately 3 hours from mixing. Then once your paint is good and cured, have them mix up some clear coat for you. Thats how I painted my Nighthawk last year. And it turned out beautiful. They can mix up primer too, but I just use rattle can 2k filler primer.

Quote from: jacob92icu on February 05, 2013, 07:39:49 PM
Haha nice. I used rustoleum to paint one of my bikes, turned out good. I've only had it for about a year so I dont know exactly how much the paint has been affected from aging. And holy crap puma, that definitely is deals on wheels. So I'm guessing you bought it or your going too?
Offered the guy $60 to hold it for me until Friday. I cant really afford it right now, but at the same time I don't want to pass it up. Worse case scenario I can clean up one of the guns and get close to if not all of my money back by selling it.
If god intended us to drink beer, he would have given us stomachs.


Only bad thing about paint like that, gas will eat it so you better not spill any
K&N Lunchbox
chromed pegs
R6 shock
89 aluminum knuckle
Lowering links
Bar mirrors w/LEDs
rear LED turns
89 clip ons
Dual Yoshi TRS
Gauge/Indicator LEDs
T- Rex sliders
HID retrofit
GSXR rear sets
Zero Gravity screen
Chrome Katana rims
Bandit hugger
Custom paint
Sonic springs


Quote from: weedahoe on February 05, 2013, 09:09:00 PM
Only bad thing about paint like that, gas will eat it so you better not spill any

+1. I had a gas leak problem from the gas cap on the tank that I rattle can sprayed and man did I learn quick that a paper towel will not wipe up the spilled gas.
I am into buying bikes that people have given up on and fixing them up!

RIP Patrick Lajko, I miss you man.


Apply a 2kMax clear coat. That stuff is fuel proof.

Any paint, if cured and you keep a good wax on it, you should be OK for a brief spill.

Good urethane will work pretty well. Then the 2kMax clear over it after it has cured for a couple weeks.


Quote from: weedahoe on February 05, 2013, 09:09:00 PM
Only bad thing about paint like that, gas will eat it so you better not spill any

Yeah, that's why I ponied up for the 2kMax clear coat. About $20 a can, but is the best clear coat you can get in a rattle can- heck, apparently even adidasguy uses it!  :icon_eek:

I'm now about 4-5 hours into sanding and maybe 1/3rd the way through. Have the Airtech fender sanded down and the belly pan nearly finished.

Question: I used aircraft remover on the wheels and while it strips the rims well, it doesn't even put a dent in the paint on the spokes. Should I just rough sand it and then shoot it with primer? (Please don't say "sandblast it"- we all know by now what a cheapskate I am)


You could use a putty spreader to try and scrap the paint off. Only thing is you might scratch the rim. If you have the will power and a lot of time you can just keep rough sanding it, then wet sanding it over and over again.
I am into buying bikes that people have given up on and fixing them up!

RIP Patrick Lajko, I miss you man.


Put in another 3 hours tonight. Did some fiberglass filling on the belly pan and fender and... was finally able to pull my gas tank dent! Took some time and finessing, but found a method that worked for me- a slight variation on the hot glue trick. Instead of sudden, sharp tugs, I tried slow steady force- pulling several low points working my way from the outside in. It still has some waves in it, so I'll have to spread a little bondo to get it perfect, but it's a massive improvement and saves my pride from having to call the PDR guys. See for yourself:




Here's my progress on the belly pan and fender- they're nearly ready for primer. Note that I "bored out" the front intake holes on the belly pan to be flush with the sides. Haven't decided yet if I'll replace the chicken wire mesh or leave them open.




Nice job getting that dent out, looks clean now! I wish I had belly pan and air tech fender!! :(
I am into buying bikes that people have given up on and fixing them up!

RIP Patrick Lajko, I miss you man.

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